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Call: (773) 275-2414



COVID - 19 Safety Protocols

Daycare hours will temporarily be from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. to adhere to safety protocols. Any hours past 5:00 P.M will be part of extended care and will have separate fees and stipulations


Daily health checks for all persons entering the day care center, including but not limited to all staff, children, parents, legal guardians, cleaning staff, caterers, nurses, visitors, and Authorized Representatives of the Department that enter the premises including temperature checks that are completed according to CDC guidance for child care programs that remain open.


Temperature checks persons with a fever of 100.4 or above will not be admitted.


To minimize risk, only the front entrance will be used for arrival and drop-off. One staffing

member will be present at the entrance equipped with proper PPE (mask and gloves). He or she will check the child’s and parents temperature upon arrival. The staffer will also have a sign-in/out sheet on hand for the parents to sign. Parents are not allowed in the classrooms.


Supplies staffer will carry at the entrance include:

  • Extra masks in case a child does not have one

  • Pen

  • Clipboard

  • Sign-in/out sheets

  • Thermometer

  • Shoe covering in case parent needs to enter facility

  • Sanitizing cleanser or wipes to wipe down doorknobs and frequently touched surfaces


Written Plan for Personal Protective Equipment and Attire


Daycare staff will be checked for fever before entering the facility at the beginning of their reported work period and maintain records of monitoring.


Facility shall supply personal protective equipment (PPE): including but not limited to face masks and gloves for staff and masks for children.

  • staff shall wear a mask at all times when indoors non-permeable gloves shall be worn while serving food, diaper changing and/or dealing with wounds. Frequent hand washing is required when gloves are not in usage; and

  • children ages 2 years and up shall wear a face mask when arriving at and leaving the day care center when tolerable and throughout the day, when in hallways, and throughout the day, except when napping, playing outdoors, or eating.


All staff will wear mask, gloves, and shoes coverings while on site as needed


Gloves will be changed when handling food items during breakfast, lunch, and snack times.


Gloves will be changed when diaper changing or any handling of bodily fluids (e.g blood, urine, vomiting, etc.).


All staff and children will have an extra set of clothes (shirt, pants, undergarments, shoes, socks) on site to change as needed.


  1. Extra masks, gloves, shoe coverings, and thermometers will be stored in each classroom in the cupboards where extra supplies are kept. PPE supplies will also be stored in the office. This supply will be the main source where teachers and staff can restock as needed. There will be 100 of each item aside from thermometers, which will have 3 extra.

    • Supply List in Each Classroom

      • 20 masks

      • 50 pairs of gloves

      • 1 thermometer

  2. ​Supplies will be inventoried at the end of the day with a written list in each classroom. Staff will restock their supplies from the office when 20-30% of each item is left.

  3. Staff will be notified by the director of where to keep all supplies and how to inventory the list provided by the administration. Before each teacher leaves for the end of the day, the supplies must be inventoried by writing total supplies left in the sheet provided. All restocking supplies will be found in the office as told by the director.


Staffing Plan


All children will be kept in the same group with same staff every day including meal, snack, rest and play periods.


Classroom interchanging or mixing is not permitted; child care staff and children shall be assigned to the same group every day, including meal, snack, rest and play periods.


Staff will take the temperature of parents, legal guardians, or other persons bringing a child to the day care center upon arrival. Individuals with a temperature of 100.4ºF or higher shall be excluded.



At Blooming Bud, the health and safety of your child is our top priority.


Contact Us

Call us:

(773) 275-2414



5715 N. Lincoln Ave

Chicago, IL 60659









6 a.m. - 6 p.m.​

6 a.m. - 6 p.m.​

6 a.m. - 6 p.m.​

6 a.m. - 6 p.m.​

6 a.m. - 6 p.m.​





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